Sunday 12 October 2008

nothing good comes for free.

i watched factory girl lats night, and may i say, that was the best film i have seen in a long while.
Sienna Miller was amazing, Hayden Christensen was fabulous, as always, mmm. Haydenn :D
Guy Pierce was so very very very good as Andy Warhol. i am left wondering if he really was like that, we was so... childlike and haunted, and Edie Sedgewick was just as bad. I would advise everyone who wants to be 'famous' to watch this film, as it pretty much sums up how destructive fame can be, and how fleeting it can be. One minute, your the 'it' girl/boy, and then the next, someone has taken your place and you are forgotten about, and left with nothing. I dont care what the critics say, this film was awesome.

I chose my college yesterday. Scary.
Im pretty sure Xarerian is the way to go. And i think that im not going to do psychology. Apparently, if you are wanting to do psychology as a career, most colleges want you to have a science. in some cases they will let you on the course, but you need ridiculously high grades. So me thinks im going to go for law/journalism.
Im pretty sure that im going to do english combined or lit, history, theology and law. sounds good.

well folks, thats all for today,
peace out.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice.

You know, some people are just bloody ungrateful.
My mother always comes home from work, and shouts at me for the mess, so last night, after i made myself tea, i cleaned up, washed/dried/put away the pots and cleaned the living room.
And the minute she stepped through the door, she started shouting at me because i bought vogue with my dinner money. She didn't even notice that I'd cleaned up. And she still shouted at me when i said "no mother, i have enough money for the rest of the week, I've got £8.20 there!"
But no, 'thats not the point, im not made of money'
i cant win with that woman!

On the plus side, English went well this morning. Meghan was so funny, "that was a nice packed lunch. Mmm, crust!" It was so funny i almost weed. legend. Then when Custard started stripping. i got a bit worried, i must admit.

That shannon. She abandoned waffle Wednesday, i am not pleased with that girl. theres a reason they call it tradition you know!

Anyways, im off, im goingg to go and read. or generally do something constructive.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

I got a brand new attitude, and i'm gonna wear it tonight.

This woman is, in my opinion, an inspiration. The amount of things she has been through and she has still come out smiling, well, not on this picture, but still.
Fame imposed on anyone at such a young age has consequences, because you never get to have a normal life, and Mary Kate Olsen has definitely grown up in the public eye. That, and she is just brimming with pure awsomeness!

In other news, im moving, and soon hopefully. To an apartment in Manchester, an i cool or what ? Its going to mean getting up super early and getting the train, but if my starbucks boycott is over then i can sit on the train with a good book/magazine and a starbucks, yeah. now your jealous bitches, eat that! And getting to town on saturdays will be so easy because i'll already be there! unless im at my dads, but shhh. I really hate where i live now, its full of chavs and scalleys that hate anyone who isnt one of them, so i guess that means me! plus the fact that its mostly a council estate, although quite a few own their own homes, there are just a few houses that are like dumping grounds for the scum of the earth. They put a man, who was due in court for having sex with a 14 year old girl in the house near mine. erm, hellooo... 15 year old girl here!

I think that im the only one who loves the rain, its beautiful.
i love to stand out in it and get soaking. i find it strangely therapeutic, like, washing away all the badness in order to start afresh, making myself feel better after feeling like crap, i really do feel like its one of the best things you can do when your down. Especially when you start dancing, thats fun!
i love the cold weather. i love getting all wrapped up and sitting in coffee shops with hot chocolate, talking about how cold it is, or sitting in front of the fire, in your pj's drinking coffee watching sex and the city, its amazing.

In all, im loving life at the minute, feels like nothing is going wrong, which is also good.
And i have the best friends ever. including Meghan, who rocks my socks did you know?

peace out;

Monday 29 September 2008

Why dont you sit right down and make me smile?

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I bought a fish.
Thats right, a fish.
And i named him, drum roll please... Montgomery Gilligan Bruno Mallishag - Smyth.
Original? I think so!

Tell you what im loving at present; She & Him.
anyone that wants to hear Zooey Deschanel, check out she and him. That woman is so multitalented, i love her so much, and yes, Katy Perry does resemble her a bit, but Zooey is much better!

What else im loving right now is postsecret. Its inspirational.
I bought the book from town the other day, and its sad, funny, happy, and gives you the feeling that your not alone. As creepy and strange as that sounds.

"Dear Frank, I have made six postcards, all with secrets that i was afraid to tell the one person i tell everything to, my boyfriend. This morning, i planned to mail them, but instead i left them on the pillow next to his head while he was sleeping. Ten minutes ago he arrived at my office and asked me to marry him. I said yes."

If that doesn't give the down and depressed hope, then i dont know what will.
